Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo

Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Don't be just a 'somebody' −

be GREATbody!


Coaching by Example

Trademark Concepts



   Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game  



GREATbody Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Loving Creator don't be just somebody, be greatbody

Be a GREATbody, not just a somebody. Don't strive to be 'liked', strive to create a greater value for others and to make greater positive impact.

Dream big dreams, commit to your true passion, and you will learn to fly!



Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

It's darkness who makes stars visible. It's challenges who reveal our hidden capabilities.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 



Dare to dream big dreams and do something impossible − you are much greater than you think you are.

The bigger the challenge you address, the bigger your awakening. Stretch your imagination and efforts, and they will stretch your capabilities and achievements beyond imagination.

Drean big dreams do impossible quotes Vadim Kotelnikov Dennis messageful image


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

The wilder your idea, the lesser competition, the stronger buyers' resistance, the greater your victory!

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 




 GREATbody as a Metaphoric Safari Racer 



Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Do something today that your Higher Self will love; change something in yourself today that your future self will thank you for.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo

Vadim Kotelnikov on Facebook    



The Best vs. Others

Follow your vision, and you’ll keep reaching new heights.

Follow your mood, and you’ll run in a circle.


Achieve Impossible

Stretch Yourself

Take Noble Risk




Super-Smart vs. Smart

Smart ones brainstorm. Super-Smart ones engage their light-speed subconscious mind and ideate on autopilot.








Set Right Goals

Do you want to create a greater impact and to grow bigger both spiritually and capability-wise?

If yes, then empower your heart and your higher self to set your stretch goals... More


Loving Creator

Grow Yourself


The First Step



Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

You lose if you decide you've achieved your growth goal. You win if you decide to do better tomorrow.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 



Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Laughter nurtures positive attitudes.

Positive attitudes inspire positive actions.

Positive actions lead to great achievements.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 













You are who you are for a higher reason. Discover that reason!

Every journey should lead to new spiritual heights.

Daily Exercise #1

Take time to think like an almighty Creator ─ because you are!

Vadim Kotelnikov genius


Stretch your #goals and your goals will #stretch you Vadim Kotelnikov quotes

Stretch yourself! It is only by doing impossible that you can discover and unlock your true potential. Don't be afraid to bite off more than anyone can chew ‒ and chew it! Stretch your goals and your goals will stretch you >>>

Search for opportunities always and everywhere – and opportunities will search for you.




Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Life turns into an endless chain of wonders when you discover your true passion and pursue it wholeheartedly.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo

Vadim Kotelnikov on Facebook    



Best things come to s/him who acts on s/his big noble dream passionately, believes that s/he can make it a reality, and never gives up.

To achieve your dream, copy and paste it to your 'Action' folder.  >>>

Don't sit on your dream – start moving! Every step up will open new horizons! Vadim Kotelnikov, photogram


Vadim Kotelnikov life advice Live so that remote descendants remembered the current king just because you lived during his period of rule great life quotes

You are unique, so be unique!

Never let the vanity cacophony to mute your life symphony.

Keep breaking the status quo of who you are and transforming yourself into a greater human being.




The Loving Creator created us in his likeness. We are all given unlimited capabilities. All you need is to empower yourselves from inside and embrace an attitude of a Loving Creator.

See your life not as cradle-to-grave, but as cradle-to-cradle.

Vadim Kotelnikov selfiegram live to be remembered













Mission    Love    Genius    Achiever    Leader