Subconscious Ideation
This is how I invent something new every day and
on autopilot:
I give my
subconscious mind strong “why” and
“what”, and it comes back with an amazing “how” in
due course.
The fast-thinking
subconscious mind needs a starter as well to start
inventing brilliant solutions relentlessly. The starter
is a sincere attempt to find a brilliant solution
consciously. I search for a creative solution for a
while, and then relax or start doing something else to
let my subconscious mind to complete the challenging
task. And it delivers an eye-opening solution pretty
soon. |
The more I practice this simple technique the easier my
subconscious mind get engaged, and the faster i have
another brilliant solution delivered to my conscious
Some authors say,
'Think like a
I don't say such
things, because I
know that
everyone is a born
All you need is to
awaken your inner
genius if you have
not done this so