Give your subconscious
mind strong 'Why' and
'What', and it will come
back with an amazing
'How' in due course. |
Vadim Kotelnikov |
and Unleash the
Full Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Do you want to
invent, and
solve problem
millions times faster? Awaken your subconscious mind!
Why should you limit
your problem solving skills
to conscious techniques only if, researchers say, your
subconscious mind works much faster?
Awaken your inner genius! Our conscious is only a
small fraction of the subconscious, and the conscious
has only a small fraction of information that is
available to the subconscious.
Actually, information
that is available to the subconscious is unlimited, and
cues are around you all the time. What you need is just
to tune your subconscious mind into relevant cues by
focusing on a
specific problem
and opening your subconscious.
If you do so, relevant
information, insights and solutions will suddenly come
to you seemingly from out of nowhere. |
Open Your Subconscious
“One should never impose one's views on a problem; one
should rather study it, and in time a solution will
reveal itself.” ~
Albert Einstein
Your subconscious is very open while you relax,
or are asleep.
You are also most prone to receiving
insights when you are taking a bath, or staring at the
sea, or doing something physical rather than cerebral.
be positive, use
positive affirmations – especially
in the morning and shortly before you go to sleep at
night – to install new
beliefs. |
Shelve the problem, slip
on it, even if you think you can already see
a solution. Don’t think about it – it should not weigh
on your conscious mind.
Although you are not consciously
thinking about the problem, your subconscious is working
on it, and will amaze you by a
simple and elegant
solution that is nearly impossible to produce
deliberately using a linear, logical thought process.
your intuition.
Intuition is how you gain answers
from the subconscious and gain insight on how to solve
your problems. Write any flashes of
inspiration down,
and then later evaluate how you can use them to solve a
complex problem.
If a few days pass without an insightful solution
announcing itself, start thinking about the problem
again. but try to define it in a better way this time,
so it becomes easier to solve.
go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”
Thomas Edison