Some authors say, 'Think like a genius'.
I don't say such things, because I know that
everyone is a born genius.

All you need is to awaken your inner genius. Whatever you have created so far,

You can create
millions times more!

Vadim Kotelnikov genius


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

It's darkness who makes stars visible. It's challenges who reveal our hidden capabilities.

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KoRe 10 Tips for Awakening Your Inner Genius



Big Dreams

Dream big dreams. Big dreams lead to big breakthroughs; small dreams lead to small breakthroughs.

Start with visualizing the desired future you want to create. Why to crawl if you can fly? Stretch your dreams, and your dreams will stretch you. Example  >>>

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Set a narrow goal, and you'll reach the ceiling. Dream big dreams, and you'll reach the stars.


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

You must have a big dream and a burning desire to achieve it in order to awaken your inner genius and
your powerful subconscious mind.

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Burning Desire

Cultivate a burning desire to make the world amazingly better.

Love the world, love others to awaken the true soul of your genius. Example

Vadim Kotelnikov quote creator photogram


Vadim Kotelnikov

I believe that we are all Loving Creators because the Loving Creator
created us in his likeness.

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Burning Belief

Believe you are a genius. Actually, everyone is a born genius, but the daily routine of life tends to lull us into inside-the-box thinking. Rediscover yourself! There are no non-genius people, there are dormant genii. If your genius is a sleeping beauty, kiss her!

Денис Котельников Burning Belief quotes, Vadim Kotelnikov Denis, Вадим


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

The bigger the challenge you address, the bigger your awakening. Stretch your imagination and efforts, and they will stretch your capabilities and achievements beyond imagination.

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Don't be just a somebody, dare to be a GREATbody!

Strive to achieve something impossible Example to unleash your true talents.  >>>

Vadim Kotelnikov Selfiegram - you are much bigger than you think


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

To develop serendipity, adopt an attitude of a Loving Creator, keep your mind open, and be prepared to discover entrepreneurial opportunities for value innovation any time and everywhere.

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Open Mind

Imagine you are a very fertile soil that turns seeds of ideas into a beautiful garden continually. Open your mind to new ideas and unintended discoveries. Listen to yourself, listen to the Universe, listen to others to attract and synergize diverse insights.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes, new eyes, learn to unlearn, sunset, photogram


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

If you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.

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Love to learn.

Constantly search for new knowledge that will help you make your dream a reality and fulfill your life mission. Example   >>>

Success on Autipilot quotes Vadim Kotelnikov subconscious ideation





Love what you do. Imagine you are a very fertile soil that turns seeds of ideas into a beautiful garden continually. Open your mind to new ideas. Listen to yourself, listen to the world, listen to others to attract and synergize diverse insights.

Genius advice Inner genius wispers when you do your creative work passionately Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov

Everything inspires new ideas if you are truly passionate about what you do.

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Brainstilling-Brainstorming Synergy

Alternate brainstorming with relaxation to take a “helicopter view” of your work and discover a lack of harmony and opportunities to improve the big picture.

Meditate or just sleep on a problem to gain insight subconsciously.  >>>

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes subconscious what why how, Dennis, photogram, Angkor


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Break rules wisely – disrupt human habits while staying in harmony with the laws of the Universe.

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Listen to your intuition, your first thought, your low-voice, yet very powerful sixth sense.

An easy way to become a genius is to learn how to engage your subconscious mind
and ideate on autopilot.

Relax, Set your mind free, meditation in swimming pool, inspiration, enlightenment, Vadim Kotelnikov, Borneo


Vadim Kotelnikov

Divine messages are everywhere,

but a prepared mind only can notice them.

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Divine Guidance

Formulate your noble intent and be highly passionate about it. Silence your mind to be able to hear messages of your divine creativity, intuition and comprehension.

Listen to the Universe and learn to notice and understand the signals the Universe sends you.  >>>

Listen to the Universe quotes Vadim Kotelnikov discover yourself, your Way


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

There are no non-genius people, there are dormant genii. Wake up!

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