Definition of 'Entrepreneurial Opportunity'




Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Entrepreneurial opportunity is a perceived first-seize-gain-most chance to create and deliver innovative value profitably.

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Entrepreneur Differentiated

Willingness and preparedness to take creative entrepreneurial action and noble risk differentiates entrepreneurs from others... More

Innovative Entrepreneur




Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Don't talk about problems, talk about opportunities.

Be creatively dissatisfied and open-minded.

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Hard for Scholars, Easy for Serial Entrepreneurs


Management scholars and economists alike acknowledge that they cannot define 'Entrepreneurial Creativity' clearly and, thus, cannot formulate logically consistent prescriptions for both policy and practice.

On the opposite side, pragmatists define 'Entrepreneurial Opportunity' as a situation where entrepreneurs can take action to make a profit.

So, scholars lack clarity, while pragmatists lack the essence of true entrepreneurship.

Below are the definition of 'Opportunity' by Cambridge Dictionary and my definition of 'Entrepreneur'






an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something

a visionary and passionate person who habitually spots opportunities, creates innovative customer value and gets it acquired by customers.




When I married these two definitions, they gave birth to the definition of 'Entrepreneurial Opportunity' without any labor pain.




Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Entrepreneurial opportunity is a perceived first-seize-gain-most chance to create and deliver innovative value profitably.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


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Entrepreneurial Opportunities are Everywhere




Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Think positively − a positive mind finds opportunity everywhere and in everything.

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Look for Opportunities Everywhere Turn Failures To Opportunities Tips for Challenging Assumptions Turn Problems To Opportunities See Change as an Opportunity COCA principle of achievement OPPORTUNITIES slide gallery Emfographics Your Life Symphony Opportunity Kosages Look for Opportunities Everywhere - Success, Failure, Problems, Change, Status quoe, emotional infographics, emfographics, Vadim Kotelnikov  

There are millions of entrepreneurs. Opportunities are everywhere.

There are enough opportunities for all entrepreneurs. Why? Because each entrepreneur walk's s/his unique way. What is an amazing opportunity for one entrepreneur is not so for other.


Coaching by Example

Every day brings about millions of entrepreneurial opportunities. Every day I pursue several most promising ones. These actions contribute to achievement of my entrepreneurial vision, but most of them don't generate profits directly.

Inspirational opportunity quotes Search for opportunities always and everywhere – and opportunities will search for you. Vadim Kotelnikov artphoto photogram

Scholars wouldn't even notice that I'm pursuing so many entrepreneurial opportunities every day because these actions have no visible impact on profits. For instance, the Business Design of my global venture, a civilizational breakthrough, is too complex for an outsider to understand how the whole thing works.

That's the difference between the theory and practice of entrepreneurial opportunities: an entrepreneur pursues dozens of entrepreneurial opportunities every day, but scholars cannot even notice this because they define entrepreneurial opportunities in input-output terms.

Innovative Entrepreneur





Intrapreneurial Opportunities

Intrapreneurial opportunity is a perceived chance to make entrepreneurial contribution to implementation of corporate strategies through an in-company project.




Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Articulated customer dissatisfaction is an entrepreneurial opportunity for value innovation.

4 Levels of Problem Solving

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Discover Business Opportunities Creative Challenge Spiral Intellectual Cross-pollination Entrepreneurial Opportunities 1000ventures Experimentation Observing Disruptive People Innovation Football Beta Testing Trend Spotting Tips Lateral Thinking Market Opportunities Customer Partnership Entrepreneurial Vision Look at Your Company from Outside-In Cross-pollination Tips Vadim Kotelnikov Opportunity Quotes Market Opportunities: How To Discover Sources  

'Why? What If?' Questions


Creative Challenge Spiral

Learning SWOT Questions

Turn Problems to Opportunities


Strategic Creativity

Play INNOBALL to discover further opportunities



Innompic Games as World's #1 in its target areas

Innompic Games and Innompic University teach how to discover, create and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities.

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How To Pursue Entrepreneurial Opportunities

SADR Virtuous Spiral



Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Entrepreneurial venture evolves from an entrepreneurial idea towards entrepreneurial vision along a virtuous spiral path.

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  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 



You cannot realistically tell in advance what will work, what will not work, or how the future will unfold. Therefore intertwine formulations and implementation, continually adjusting your strategy as you gain new insights through an experimental process of learning and discovering by doing... More

  SADR strategic experimentation virtuous spiral turn - Strategize, Act, Discover, Reassess