Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Vadim Kotelnikov


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Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

The Wheel of Gaining Knowledge

If you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.


Loving Creator


Thought Leader



If you are truly passionate about your work,
everything around you becomes
your inspiring coach and a source of
discoveries. >>>

Education brings knowledge.
Applying knowledge brings
Silencing knowledge brings

Learning Kosages The Wheel of Gaining Knowledge Open Minded Attitude 2 Creativity Catalysts Learning SWOT questions SPIN Breakthrough Thinker Smart & Fast Decision Maker Learniing Kosages Kosages 1000ventures The Wheel of Gaining Knowledge, emfographics, emotional infographiics, Vadim Kotelnikov

Wisdom Perceptions Learning Vadim Kotelnikov Knowledge Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment Truth Wisdom vs Knowledge, definition of wisdom




Knowledge Is the Key To Your Achievements

Life is about continuous learning, discovering new things, and growing >>>

Successful people don't think they know everything. Their mind is open to new ideas and discoveries. They are always willing to find a different way, a better solution or new opportunities. That's why they're successful.  >>>

Realize that knowledge is power if you want to achieve great success in your life and business. It helps you to solve problems, create new things, develop successful strategies, and build lasting relationships.

Knowledge also changes the way you look at your life.

Don't think you know everything and be open to learning and trying new things if you wish to achieve more, create new things, grow, be successful and live the life you want.  >>>

Think, Model, Experiment, Practice

Combine theoretical and practical ways of gaining knowledge for better results. Theoretical knowledge gained from books is important. Practical knowledge gained from personal experience and experiments is insightful and harder to forget. Beta testing a new solution or modeling a situation may allow you to learn how-to do something and/or discover new opportunities.

Feedback Is Your Elevator To Success

Having eyes and brain is not enough, you must know how to use them. If you can learn from feedback, you can turn any experience into success. Feedback helps you figure out the key factors you need to get right and decide what to do next if you are to succeed. Experiment with new ideas and ask learning SWOT questions to discover new strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.


Subconscious intuition comes from rich knowledge and experience that allows you to understand how people and the world works, get quick and ready insight, and do instant subconscious forecasting... More


Kore 10 Tips for Serendipity

Outstanding Thinker Emfographics - emotional infographics

Grow as a Through Leader

  • Help people by giving out your knowledge. Giving is getting. If you want to grow as a leader, help your followers grow and shine. Let them participate and showcase their knowledge and ideas too.... More





Applying knowledge brings wisdom,
silencing knowledge brings enlightenment



Practice is your best teacher and instructor.
What you practice is what you become good at.
creates habit.

Don't let the vanity cacophony of your daily life to mute
your life symphony. Silence your mind and
let the Universe guide you. Trust it, and listen to it.

The Magic of Practice Gaining Knowledge Knowledge, Wisdom, Discoveries Enloightenment How To Make New Habits Stick Wisdom Beliefs Spiritualo Growth Management by Consciousness Practice Magic

Vadim Kotelnikov site e-Coach Effective Listening Your Life Symphony Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment Wise Listening 360 Vadim Kotelnikov: Listening to the Universe Awaken Your Subconscious Power Listening Wise Listening: 3 levels - Listen to Others, Listen To Yourself, Listen To the Universe - Vadim Kotelnikov, smart hyperslide



All teachers are gold sand.

Innovative teachers are gold.

Innovative teachers who help their students
become more
innovative are diamonds.