Benefits of using 'KoRe'


It is short.

It sounds meaningfully.

It is distinctive and easy to remember.

I'm more comfortable with branding my trademark concepts, inventions and innovations as 'KoRe' instead of 'Kotelnikov'.

The origin of the name 'KoRe' of my personal brand is described => here.








Disruptive Innopreneur is an inventive entrepreneur who creates radical innovation and leads a high-growth venture.

S/he is a proactive, creative and innovative entrepreneur who is filled with a burning desire to make a difference and creates amazing radically new value and customers.

  e-Coach for Disruptive Innopreneurs at Innompics KoRe meand Kotelnikov's Recipe Denis Kotelnikov Vadim Kotelnikov: Disruptive Innovations Master of Business Synergies (MBS) Systemic Innovation: 7 Areas Challenging Assumptions Entrepreneurial Creativity Business Architect Working Smart and Hard Venturepreneurial Flight Dennis Kotelnikov Entrepreneur Dennis Kotelnikov - Innompics Crew Member Disruptive Innopreneur Innopreneur - Innovative Disruptive Entrepreneur: Kore 3 Roles - Descreator, Syntegrator, Archibuilder, Denis Kotelnikov