Vadim Kotelnikov teachings Вадим Котельников

Proactive Innovation

Create the future!

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo

Inventor Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game





Proactive Innovation  

Proactive innovators are thought leaders; they overturn the conventions of a market before others do

Reactive Innovators strive to catch up with the leaders
by inventing modifications.



Innovators create new markets and harvest the benefits of being #1 Vadim Kotelnikov quotes

Proactive Innovation quotes break rules Vadim Kotelnikov



You came to this world with your unique mission − never let vanity cacophony mute your life symphony!

Be brave and proactive − life is too short to waste in on fears and procrastination.


Great Innovator

Disruptive Innopreneur

Venturepreneurial Flight

Ask Learning SWOT Questions







Innompic Games

INNOMPIC GAMES is my proactive value innovation, a civilizational breakthrough that will turn the Earth to the Planet of Loving Creators. Innompic Games is a relentless trend setter and  the World's #1 in target areas.


Innompic Games are all-inclusive intellectual Olympics for innovators. Innompics were developed to help all people around the World to empower themselves to change the World, become Loving Creators, unlock their capabilities for innovation and create a brighter future for themselves and others.


It took a while however to help people understand that annual World Innompic Games is what they deeply need and assemble the critical mass of strategic global partners to conduct the 1st World Innompic Games in 2017.... More

World's #1 innovation: INNOMPIC GAMES - global innovation accelerator

 Innompic Planet of Loving Creators proactive mega-innovation by Vadim KotelnikovWorld's #1 innovation Innompic Games market leaderTrend Setter Innompic Games proactive innovationInnompic Art of Innovation



Outstanding Innopreneur e-book PowerPoint download Vadim Kotelnikov Innompic Guidebook

Two Parts
of a Disruptive Innovation Process

  Create radically innovative value consumers have yet to realize they want

  Create and shape demand for it


Value Innovation



Successful proactive businesses not only anticipate future trends but also create the future.

▪ They create new customer needs and develop solutions that allow them to meet future demand rapidly and effectively.

▪ They anticipate opportunities that are likely to emerge in the future – or create them – and focus their innovation program accordingly.

▪ The companies employing a proactive innovation strategy are trend setters.

▪ They surprise others and  are at the fore in their respective industries. 

▪ They create radically new value and are the first to identify and pursue spin-off high-value opportunities.

▪ They take noble risk, treat failures as stepping stones to success, learn from feedback  and adapt their strategies accordingly.

▪ They are focused on the future they want to create, yet flexible in forging the path leading them there.


Vadim Kotelnikov quotes photogram, Love for customers is the springhead of the cascade of innovations and the river of revenues.