Laughter cleans attitudes,
thoughts, memories and the soul. |

Vadim |
The best way to find weaknesses
of your ideas or strategies or
plans or everything is to search
for reasons to laugh at them.
Laughter is a powerful weapon.
Most people are scared to be
laughed at - it is their
'Achilles' heel'. Be the first
to laugh at yourself, and you
will not be laughed at.
Learn to laugh at and learn from
your failures if you want to
become an invincible achiever.
Laughing is healthy. A good
laugh heals hurts, diseases,
relationships and attitudes.
Laughter and happiness are twins
- they both are the light that
flows inside out.
Deep sincere laughter may open
your mind to a rainbow of new
possibilities. Assess them
quickly after you stop laughing
- trust your intuitive first
Laughter keeps your spirit young.
If you laugh at a problem, you
can see its roots clearer and
thus can solve it easier.
Laughing at your own weaknesses
is healthy. Laughing at
weaknesses of others is
Laughing without crying is fun.
Laughing and crying is
Positive attitude is your
ability to use everything that
comes your way to mold yourself
into a better person. See every
day as a wonderful gift, a new
exciting challenge, a new
amazing chance to invent a new
way to catch luck, progress
further, grow bigger. |
Be a GREATbody, not just a
somebody. Don't strive to be
'liked', strive to create a
greater value for others and to
make a greater positive impact.
Best things come to s/him who
acts on s/his big noble dream
passionately, believes that s/he
can make it a reality, and never
gives up.
To build wonderful
relationships, be a shawl of
empathy, a shover of joy, and a
well of inspiration. Be a HOSTer
- Help Others Succeed and
Thrive. To be a happy lover,
don't think that your loved one
should be yours, wish your loved
one to be happy, and be a
relentless loving cteator of
s/his momemts of happiness.
Never think 'I am perfect'.
Always be creatively
dissatisfied and search for
opportunities to get better in
new ways. See every day as an
opportunity to build a bridge
between the lessons you learned
yesterday and a greater
Don't look back with regrets. Do
learn from the past and move
forward with hope. Wake up
thinking about the most
important things that you can do
right today instead of
regretting about the things that
went wrong yesterday. Treat
every day as a new phase of your
exciting journey to a dream
See your life not as
cradle-to-grave, but as
cradle-to-cradle. Be a realist
and treat your Earthly life as a
moment that defines your eternal
existence. Learn from the past
and live in present so that you
will be remembered gratefully in
I have no time for |
I have time for |
① Depression
② Boredom
③ Lip-service
⑤ Not being
in love with the
Word |
Big dreams
Learning forward
Stretching my
Family and friends |
Stretching Your
The time you spend on
stretching yourself
and your capabilities as
an achiever is the best
investment of your time
in your growth if you
action and reflection. |