If you want to take charge of your fate,
take charge of your mind first.

Look at yourself as a sunflower seed:
you can stay as you are, or you can grow yourself into a wonderful sun-like plant.

Be brave and proactive life is too short
to waste it on fears and procrastination.

Vadim Kotelnikov courage quote selfiegam Be brave and proactive − life is too short



Vadim Kotelnikov quotes To be is the answer. How? - that's the question

'TO BE' is the answer, 'HOW' is the question.

Don't be just somebody, be GREATbody!

Be who you want to be, be just to yourself and others if you want to achieve greater results.

You live as you believe. If you believe you can fly, you can fly.


Life is a self-service shop Mission Passion Vadim Kotelnikov life advice quotes

Dare to live  − dare to pursue your dream,
dare to love, dare to make a difference

Your life is a self-service shop with your life mission and true passion being your wise shopping advisers.

Can't decide which path to take at a crossroads? Don't think − listen to your heart and take ... none of those.
Forge your own path!


Vadim Kotelnikov life advice Live so that remote descendants remembered the current king just because you lived during his period of rule great life quotes

Live so that remote descendants remember the current king just because YOU lived during his period of rule.

Stretch yourself! Set stretch goals and do something impossible to discover your inner power and spread your wings! If you really want something, you'll find amazing ways to achieve >>>

Don't let the vanity cacophony mute your life symphony!





Best Change quotes, Vadim Kotelnikov, If you don't changge the World, why do you exist at all?

If you don't change the world, why do you exist at all?

Whatever you've achieved by now,
you can achieve A MILLIONS TIMES MORE!

If you want to create miracles, don't channel your energy towards your fears, channel your energy towards your dreams.


Vadim Kotelnikov quotes make our planet a better placed

Create unusual things to unlock your true potential, live a happier life, make other people happier, and make our planet a greater place.

Don’t strive to be better than everyone else,
strive to be better than you were yesterday.

No challenge, no excitement.


Dare to live − dare to pursue your dream,
dare to love, dare to make a difference!

 Don't sit on your dream – start moving!
Every step up will open new horizons!

Average ones compete with others.
Great ones compete with themselves.





Small dreams, small breakthroughs. Big dreams, big breakthroughs. Why to walk if you can fly?

Dream big dreams, commit to your true passion,
and you will learn to fly!

Don't just watch news, create news.
Followers watch news, leaders create news.




Winners take action, losers fake action.

Be a winner!
Start climbing towards your dream – every step up will open new exciting horizons!

Be brave and proactive life is too short
to waste it on fears and procrastination.

The first step quotes the biggest step forward Vadim Kotelnikov


Don't be afraid to take a noble risk,
be afraid not to be brave enough to take a noble risk.



Vadim Kotelnikov Winners vs Losers quotes: Impossible Is Possible: Losers approach possible as impossible; Winners approach impossible as possible

Losers approach possible as impossible.
Winners approach impossible as possible.

Having made a strategic decision,
start moving the stars in the sky in the desired direction.

If you love what you do,
there are no difficult tasks, only interesting ones.


Vadim Kotelnikov best life advice soul mind heart

Hold to the things that catch your soul. Learn from the things that catch your mind. Pursue the things that catch your heart.

Every journey should lead to new spiritual heights.

Pursue your dream, but never forget that there is a sea of treasures just under your feet.





Be a Loving Creator







Prepare To Win




Master Keys to
Innompic Planet of Loving Creators






Some More Insights








Vadim Kotelnikov on Learning quotes: Keep learning to keep winning! If you stop learning you stop creating history and become history