Vadim Kotelnikov Self-discovery quotes Every journey should lead to new spiritual heights

You are who you are for a higher reason. Discover that reason!

Daily Exercise #1

Take time to think like an almighty Creator ─ because you are!



Vadim Kotelnikov

Your soul is beautiful
if you can see the beauty in another soul

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Great Habit


Coaching by Example


Clean your soul as frequently as you take shower to clean your body. A pray is a soul purification act.


 I need to re-discover my true self periodically. To start with,
I clean myself of my ego and similar shit.



Vadim Kotelnikov

A soul-deep song is a true friend who is always ready to light up a candle of hope.

Vadim Kotelnikov personal brand logo quotes


Vadim Kotelnikov quotes loveful heart greateful heart makes life wonderful

Loving heart makes life meaningful.

Grateful heart makes life wonderful.

You attract what you believe. Believe in love, kindness and friendship, and they will keep embracing you.



Vadim Kotelnikov best quotes

In our Earthly life we grow spiritually by going through an endless chain of tests in their various forms: losses, governments, mass media...

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


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KoRe 5 Affirmations

My mental yoga exercise before falling asleep and just after awakening


Mental Yoga quick meditation 1 minute Kore 5 positive affirmations Vadim Kotelnikov