Everything becomes a gift
as soon as you decide to
benefit from every experience.
Discovering your
true self is not a one-time gift, it is an exciting
lifelong journey full of gifts. To keep discovering your
true self, keep getting rid of your attitudes and
thoughts that are not nurtured by love. Love life and
life will love you back. |
You attract what you
Believe in
love, kindness and friendship, and they will keep
embracing you.
By giving and not expecting anything from others in
return you get a most enjoyable gift − joyful peace of
mind. |
Dream big dreams, commit to
your true passion, and you will learn to fly.
Best things come to
s/him who acts on s/his big dream
passionately, believes that s/he can make it a reality,
and never gives up.
Your inner
genius starts whispering when you do your creative
work passionately. If you love what you do, everything
around you becomes your inspiring coach. |
❻ To create miracles, don't
channel your energy towards your fears, channel your
energy towards your dreams.
The very first step up will open new horizons! Every
step forward will bring you new gifts.
❼ Keep smiling at
your fate, and your fate will smile back at you.
Make doing nothing but the best your habit and you will
enjoy nothing but the best in your life. |