let the vanity cacophony mute your life symphony!

Hold to the things that catch your soul. Learn from the things that
catch your mind. Pursue the things that catch your heart.
mission, values and guiding principles are your roots.
Keep your roots healthy and strong if you want to
produce great fruits!
Be honest – your
Karma is at stake.
Live so that remote descendants remember the
current king just because YOU lived during his period of rule.
Learn from
the past and live in the present
so that you'll be remembered gratefully in the future.
If a man were created to live just 'here and now', there'd been no
need to create him in God's 'image and likeness'.
your vision of the desired future in your mind
as you create
smaller parts.
Nothing is difficult if you
love what you do.
When you are about to reach a desired goal, set a higher
goal and create a higher
desire in
order to
stay energized and keep stretching yourself.
Average ones compete with others.
Great ones compete with themselves.
You might have lost a game yesterday. It's not something to be
pity of. It's a lesson and a new reality. Today you start a fresh new game, the
score is 0:0, and you must win!
Wind is always fair even when it looks unfair. Just look around,
and you will discover your way.
Every journey should lead to new spiritual heights.
Always remember:
Your earthly life is the moment that defines your further
eternal existence.
Be honest – your
Karma is at stake.
Learn continuously! If you stop
learning, you stop creating history and
become history.
Be a
Loving Creator
Stay True To Your True Self
Everything becomes a
gift as soon as you decide to benefit from every experience.
clouds darken the light path, rise above the clouds.
The simplest secret of a happy life:
Love breeds love − love life and life will love you back.
Laughter is a master key to
success. It helps you spread joy,
connect with people, remove tensions, learn joyfully, heal
diseases, and conquer adversaries.
key to
is your inner freedom, peace, and willingness to enjoy every moment
of your life.

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