Fate gives nothing but opportunities to grow wiser, stronger and kinder.Vadim Kotelnikov quotes    Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Strive and benefit from every experience - if you succeed, celebrate, if you fail, growVadim Kotelnikov Most Useful Dictionary Problem is not a trouble it is an opportunity to grow

What I love a lot about self-discovery is that
it is not an event, it’s an exciting lifelong journey

Vadim Kotelnikov quote creator photogramVadim Kotelnikov geniusBest Miracle quotes Vadim Kotelnikov The greatest miracle is yourself

Best News quotes The most important news are inside yourself, Vadim Kotelnikov, Ksenia KotelnikovaVadim Kotelnikov Self-discovery quotes Every journey should lead to new spiritual heights Vadim KOtelnikov quotes Great achievers sompete with themselves, not others, Cambodia Angkor


Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Set a narrow goal, and you'll reach the ceiling. Dream big dreams, and you'll reach the stars.Денис Котельников Vadim Kotelnikov quoites, passion inspiring coach, photogram, Dennis KotelnikoДенис Котельников Burning Belief quotes, Vadim Kotelnikov Denis, Вадим


A bit humorous, but still very empowering advices


unlimited human capabilities, funny Pisa tower photo, Vadim Kotelnikov

Creative selfie, mirror, wings, Vadim Kotelnikov, You can fly

Vadim Kotelnikov innovation jokes Don't copy others - do unusual things




Wise Believer

The Power of Belief

The greatest achievers are those who are old enough to be wise, and young enough to believe they can change the world >>> 

Burning belief
is the jumping pole that vaults you
from doing the difficult to doing the impossible.










Your Personal Growth

Vadim Kotelnikov



Vadim Kotelnikov quote: If you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history

If you stop learning,
you stop creating history and
become history.

Vadim Kotelnikov quote: Day by day, fate gives you nothing but a chance − a chance to grow wiser, stronger and kinder. Realize this, and you will transform your life.

Day by day, your fate gives you nothing but a chance − a chance to grow wiser, stronger and kinder. Realize this, and you will transform your life.

Vadim Kotelnikov quote: If you succeed, it's a learning opportunity. If you fail, it's a learning opportunity.

If you succeed,
it's a learning opportunity.
If you fail,
it's a learning opportunity.

If clouds darkened the light path,
rise above the clouds.


Listen to discover! Discover new insights, discover other people, discover yourself, discover Your Way.

Listen wisely: listen to others; listen to yourself; listen to the Universe.


 ҉ Don’t strive to be better than everyone else, strive to be better than you were yesterday.


Vadim Kotelnikov quote: Stretch yourself! Do something impossible to discover your inner power and to spread your wings!

Stretch yourself! Do something impossible to discover your inner power and to spread your wings!

Vadim Kotelnikov quote: If you're not doing your best you're not just wasting your time – you are wasting yourself.

If you're not doing your best
you're not just wasting your time –
you are wasting yourself.


Make doing nothing but the best a habit, and you will enjoy nothing but the best in your life.




 Listen to discover! Discover new insights, discover other people, discover yourself, discover your Way. Vadim Kotelnikov quotes