See the beauty around you

Youth is your attitude towards yourself and your life. Enjoy the beauty around you, and you will feel young.

Smile at your life, and your life will smile back at you.   >>>

Vadim Kotelnikov best wisdom quote beauty




Be and feel needed by others

A person starts growing old when he or she starts feeling of not being needed by others.

To avoid this, love others and strive to create a greater value for them. Be a giver, not taker.  Be a HOSTer ‒ help others succeed and thrive.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Don't be a star, be a sun. Innompic Games Planet of Loving Creators


Practice this simple and powerful attitudinal approach: in a crowded place say silently and wholeheartedly, ‘People, I love you all so much!’  And enjoy your soul being instantly filled with happiness and joy. You'll feel forever young.




Keep stretching yourself

Remember, if you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.

Keep learning forward to keep your mind and attitudes young.

Keep asking searching questions to stay creative and stretch yourself.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes ask questions to innovate forward






Stay Successful and Young



When you succeed or fail,
when you meet a friend or an enemy,
when you are dumbfounded by luck or a problem,
in the new and in the old,
in the paradise and in the hell ‒
stay true to your noble dream,
search for opportunities and pursue them.

This way, you'll stay successful and young.  >>>

How To Be Successfull and Young regardless of everything, Vadim Kotelnikov quotes, pursue your dream, search for opportunities



Stay True To Your Life Vision and Mission

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Greatest achievers are those who are old enough to be wise and young enough to believe that they can change the world