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Dennis Kotelnikov
Messageful Images
Text-Image Synergy
Kosages Photograms
Dennis Kotelnikov is a professional actor and singer. He performs primarily in musicals.
Most photos for the Dennis' messageful images were taken during his theatrical performances.
Difference that Makes the Difference (DtmtD)
Impactful Images
The Best vs. Others
Super-Smart vs. Smart
Attitude ▪ Action
Treat Problems as Opportunities
Most Useful Dictionary
KoRe Glossary
Be a GREATbody
Be a Loving Creator
Higher Self
Spiritual Growth
Stretch Yourself
Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment
Educative InnoBall Test
Self-Kaizen & Self-Kaikaku
Award Winner
Mister Innovation World
First Impression
Artistic Story Telling
Invention & Marketing
Futures Thinking
Team Leader
Witty Innovator