Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo

Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Self-Kaizen & Self-Kaikaku

Continuous incremental and radical personal growth


Coaching by Example

Trademark Concepts



   Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game  



Self-Kaizen Self-Kaikaku self-improvement same role greater message Vadim Kotelnikov Dennis  

Keep growing
– you can achieve far more than you have achieved so far!

Stretch yourself! Strive to be better than you were yesterday. Keep breaking the status quo of who you are and transforming yourself into a greater human being.



Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

You lose if you decide you've achieved your growth goal. You win if you decide to do better tomorrow.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 



Self-Kaizen and Self-Kaikaku

"Kaizen” means “continuous improvement. Kaizen helps Japanese firms keep growing by making small improvements in all areas of their business every day. “Kaikaku” means “radical improvement”. Kaikaku must be followed by Kaizen to be sustained and deliver the best possible value.


Kaizen & Kaikaku


Kaizen Practices

Suggestion System

Breakthrough Thinker




Similarly, Self-Kaizen mindset and attitude can help you keep growing by making some improvement in all areas of your life continuously. Self-Kaikaku – radical improvements, jumping to the next level of self-development. Self-Kaikaku should be followed by Self-Kaizen to ensure sustainable personal growth.


Be a GREATbody

Higher Self

Right Goals

Ask Learning SWOT Questions




Self-Kaizen Questions

▪ What is the ideal level of my performance that I want to achieve in this role?

▪ What and how can I improve today to get closer to that ideal state?

▪ Good enough is not good enough. What extra mile should I go today?




Self-Kaikaku Questions

▪ What limiting beliefs don’t let me jump to the next curve of the virtuous spiral of my self-development? What assumptions should be questioned?

▪ What self-imposed rules should I break to unlock my true potential?

▪ How could I integrate my strengths to achieve a synergy effect?



SuperSmart vs. Smart