Daily Exercise #1

Take time to think like an almighty Creator ─ because you are!

You are who you are for a higher reason. Discover that reason!

Self-Discovery quote Vadim Kotelnikov Take time to think like an almighty Creator ─ because you are!

Be a GREATbody



  Think Big

If you don't change the World,
why do you exist at all?

Dream BIG dreams, commit to your true passion and life mission, and act on them enthusiastically!

You are much bigger than you think Vadim Kotelnikov quote photogram

Be a Loving Creator





  Daily Self-Motivation Kick

'Today' is the opportunity to build the bridge between yesterday's lesson and tomorrow's achievement.

Pursue this opportunity!

Vadim Kotelnikov quote: 'Today' is the opportunity to build the bridge between yesterday's lesson and tomorrow's achievement.

COCA Principle of Achievement



  Ask "Why? What If?"

Adopt a creative dissatisfaction attitude. Challenge assumptions and open your mind to what is possible. Ask yourself "Why? What If?" questions and play "What If?" scenarios.

Ask Why? What If? quations Dennis Kotelnikov Vadim Денис Котельников Раскольников Театр мюзикла

Questions to Ask Yourself and Others




Ask yourself 6Ws questions about your next achievement journey:
What? Why? How? Where? Who? When?

Paradoxical Rules of Success: You move faster when you stop to think Vadim Kotelnikov

Achievement-oriented Self-Coaching




  Prepare To Win

Winners prepare to win,
losers prepare to lose.

Play simulation games with your plan to anticipate challenges and invent better achievement strategies.

Vadim Kotelnikov storry Innovation journey prepare to win Innoball simulation game




  Believe in Yourself

You don't have to have it all figured out to move towards your stretch goal. What you need is to have faith in yourself.

Great achievers are risk takers. Be brave and jump in!

Burning Belief quote Vadim Kotelnikov Denis Денис Котельников Раскольников Театр Мюзикла

FICAP Attitudes



  Jump In

Jump in! The first step − whether it's lucky or not − is the biggest step forward. It turns the inertia of rest into the inertia of motion, opens news horizons, excites, enthuses and energizes, creates a winner's mindset.

The first step quotes the biggest step forward Vadim Kotelnikov

KoRe 5 Affirmations  ●  50 Positive Affirmations




  Extra Miles

Stay with the challenge longer. Remember, that the most certain way to success is always to try one more time − the same way if you are stretching your capability, or differently if you are searching for a solution.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Winners vs. losers #winner





Self-leadership quote joke Vadim Kotelnikov I love to lead muyself - the audience is very receptive and friendly