When you
radical innovations,
entrepreneurial simulation
games such as
Innovation Football (Innoball)
Innovation Chess
are by far more useful
business planning,
strategy formulation and
project management methods
Synergizing Innovations
Strategic simulation
games help you create
various innovations and
synergize them. You start with a great
invention or a business idea. During the game,
in response to your
opponents' moves, you come out with new
radical and incremental, 'hard' and soft'
innovations and integrate them in a winning
synergistic combination.
Game theory
has greatly expanded the scope of analysis for
business strategy, sharpening corporate
competitiveness and advancing policy.
Strategic simulation games
not only help you learn the right way to create
but to understand opponents' behavior and what is likely
to happen if you alter the rules.
Business games
are most
beneficial in obtaining
into the way players in your market interact in specific
circumstances and
anticipate opponents' moves when you
moves, develop
market leadership,
innovation and
venture strategies,
manage an innovation project and
create a new market niche. |
Competitive War Games
While preparing your
strategic plan, your need to consider opponents'
moves as well as competitors' reactions to your own
moves before committing to a specific
The goal of a competitive war game is to gain a better
understanding of the total competitive arena, and
anticipate competitive
developments and moves in your industry. The war game is an effective tool
for uncovering hidden weaknesses –
your own and those of your
This understanding will help you formulate best-course action options.
Competitive war games will also help you shift
managerial focus from
internal to external, and lay a foundation of an early warning process. |