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Business Success 360 ● Invention ● Vision ● Love
Vadim Kotelnikov
Inventor & Founder
e-Coach ❿
Innompic Games
Innoball & 10 KITT
Fun4Biz ● Innovarsity
High-Growth Business Development
KorRe 10 Rules
Loving Creator
6+6 Engines
Noble Innopreneur
Innovator ● Love
10 Commandments
KoRe 10 Rules for High-Growth Business Development
❶ Believe in your entrepreneurial vision and your business. Commit to it. If you – and your people – love what you do, you'll try to do it the best you possibly can.
Startup: 10 Keys to Great Success
Business Design
❷ Define shared values and let values rule. Find people who are competent and care about the company’s business.
Business Success 360
Happy Business
❸ Build and synergize corporate capabilities. Focus on distinctive capabilities that cannot be copied by your competitors.
STAND OUT from Your Competition
Sustainable Competitive Advantage
❹ Focus on, care about, and love your customers. Create a customer-centric business model, stay close to your customers, listen to them and partner with them to create superior customer value. Build loving customer relationships.
Customer Success 360
Create Customers
❺ Create a winning organization. Cultivate leaders. Create hot teams, inspire, energize, and empower employees. Create an adaptive organization. Build a growth culture. Search for synergies. Leverage diversity.
Synergistic Organization
Balanced Organisation: 5 Basic Elements
❻ Reinvent your business continually. Work on your business. Set stretch goals. Search for opportunities and play INNOBALL simulation game with the most promising ones. Cross-pollinate ideas. Make brainstorming a religion.
INNOBALL Application Areas
KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools (10 KITT)
❼ Be the leader in your market niche – be a disruptive innopreneur, invent and introduce disruptive products proactively to STAND OUT from your competition. Surprise markets and competitors. Encourage entrepreneurial creativity, stimulate radical idea generation. Challenge assumptions, break rules.
Successful Business: KoRe 3 Strategies
❽ Live speed. Build a fast company. Make decisions quickly. Simplify everything. Eliminate bureaucracy. Pursue opportunities faster than your competitors. Allow experimentations. Give people freedom to fail.
INNOBALL success story
❾ Institutionalize innovation. Establish culture and processes supporting innovation. Build cross-functional teams, provide strategic alignment and resources.
Innovation System
Jazz of Innovation
❿ Make fun a part of your culture. Play innopreneurial games. Celebrate success.
Innompic Anthem 'I Have a Difference To Make!'
Examples of Make-Business-Fun Practices