INNOBALL (Innovation Brainball)

KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools (10 KITT)

'Garden' & 'Kitchen' Team Creativity

Gold Coin Cards

Spiral Integration of Ideas (SPIN)

Creative Challenge Spiral

Yin-Yang Intelligence (YYI)













When you create change, you create also enemies who resist change. You must prepare to win!  >>>

The will to win is a determination to break an armored wall. The will to prepare to win is a firm intention to create a smart key that will open the gate.  

The will to win is less important than the will to prepare to win − the best is to win the battle before it begins.

To get better prepared to win wisely, play simulation games and see your anticipated encounters with adversaries as adventures and chances to enhance and showcase your strategic creativity.

  Prepare to Win, win a battle before it begins Vadim Kotelnikov Paradoxical rules of success Innovation Football Innoball simulation game





Intellectual Scouting Forward

Anticipation is a most important strategic thinking skill of a successful venturepreneur and an entrepreneurial innovation leader.

You must be able to anticipate diverse challenges that may emerge on your way to desired strategic results and to get better prepared to win.

Prepare to win wisely Vadim Kotelnikov advice Innoball simulation game





Entrepreneur Differentiated

Ideators ideate. Entrepreneurial ideators ideate, turn ideas to value innovation concepts, play Innoball entrepreneurial simulation games with them to prepare to win, create prototypes and test market them to learn from feedback and improve... More