Vadim Kotelnikov

No challenge, no victory. Problems emerge to help you get stronger, not weaker. Treat every challenge or problem as a chance to develop your capabilities as a creative problem solver and opportunity finder.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov

Problems emerge to help you get stronger, not weaker.

Life challenges emerge to help you get better, not bitter.

Vadim Kotelnikov


Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Creative Dissatisfaction Types of Problems Positive Problem Solving Spiral Integration of Ideas (SPIN) CPS Creative Problem Solving process 3 phases, Vadim Kotelnikov      


Vadim Kotelnikov

Dare to challenge assumptions, defy convention and break rules – the best solutions are not in the outside world, they are inside yourself.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov

Break rules wisely – disrupt human habits (example) while staying in harmony with the laws of the Universe (example).

Vadim Kotelnikov


Problem Finding
Your achievement drive is high when you have a burning desire to perform to the best of your ability. It inspires you to identify and clarify problems.
Creative dissatisfaction attitude helps you to notice problems and search for creative solutions. It inspires you to look at something and say, “It can be done differently and better.” Use the 5-Why approach to determine the root cause of a problem.
Critical thinking prompts you you access the assumptions underlying your own and others ideas and actions. It helps you also understand the problem in detail.
Creative Solution
Challenge assumption. Learn to unlearn. Ask "Why?" and "What If?" questions – critical thinking works best when you continually ask yourself, ‘Does this make sense?’, ‘If not, what if?’. Solve problems positively. Ask yourself, "What good things this problem brings to me?“
Think outside the box. Remember, nothing makes a person blinder than a point of view. Strive to see what you and others overlooked. Look at the things with new eyes to make discoveries. Play with What-If scenarios.
Evaluate ideas. Use the spiral integration (SPIN) method to synergize ideas.
Idea Implementation
Sell benefits of the creative solution to decision makers. Make a prototype, if possible, because prototypes persuade better than words. Play a simulation game with the idea to prepare to win. Experiment, learn from feedback and adapt.




Solve problems positively. Ask yourself, "What good things and opportunities this problem brings to me? Let me list of them all."

Look wider. If you focus on a barrier to overcome, you miss opportunities to explore other ways to move forward.





Solve problems positively. Ask yourself, "What good things and opportunities this problem brings to me? Let me list of them all."

Look wider. If you focus on a barrier to overcome, you miss opportunities to explore other ways to move forward.

  Best Opportunity quotes look wider Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov

Problems emerge to help you get stronger, not weaker.

Life challenges emerge to help you get better, not bitter.

Vadim Kotelnikov




Turn problems to opportunity quotes Vadim Kotelnikov Innompic Planet of Loving Creators

How to solve problems creatively and turn problems into opportunities



4 Levels of Problem Solving

Start With Asking the Right Question

Ask Searching "Why? What If?" Questions

Challenge Assumptions

Change Hats

Focus on Opportunities

Turn Problems To Opportunities: 6 Tips

Tap Into Your Subconscious Mind... >>>






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