Barriers To Creativity: Top 10 Lack-Ofs Innovation e-Coach Vadim Kotelnikov (personal info) The Power of Passion Cross-functional Excellence Creativity Creating a Grand Vision The Fun Factor in Innovation Emfographics cast of actors 8 Habits of a Great Achiever Confidence Be Different and Make a Difference! Why? What if? questions Stretch Goals BARRIERS to CREATIVITY. What Prevents People from Being Creative: Top 10 Lack-Ofs  

Lack of an Inspiring Vision

An inspiring vision of a brighter future provides both direction and motivation. Your vision leads you, it sparks your creativity. And vice versa, lack of vision holds you back, makes you travel in circles. And that’s not inspiring at all.





Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

We create either for fun or under the gun. We create under the gun to solve problems, but it is while creating for fun that we invent world-changing wonders.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 










  Great Innovator: 8 Winning Habits

Lack of Passion

Creative people have one thing in common – they love what they are doing. Carl Gustav Jung once said, “The creative mind plays with the object it loves.” If you have no passion for what you are doing, your creative mind stays idle as it has nothing to play with.

Discover Your True Passion

Lack of Achievement Drive

Your attitude determines your way of thinking and drives your behavior. If you want to be more creative you need to have the right achievement-focused mindset.

  Great Achiever: 8 Winning Habits

Lack of Challenge

Inability to spot emerging challenging opportunities as well as lack of drive for challenging assumptions and the status quo keep your creative mind sleeping.

  2 Creativity Catalysts

Lack of Fun

People are unlikely to be creative if they don't like their project, business or company. Act like a child. Introduce more fun into your daily living. Fun frees the brain from concerns that impede freethinking, makes failure easier to handle, and turns life into a continuous creative activity.

Lack of Rebelling

Overacceptance of the status quo, clinging to things remaining constant and not changing, and lack of critical thinking inhibit creativity.

  Entrepreneurial Creativity: 4 Keys

Lack of Self-confidence

If you cannot break out of self-imposed limitations, don’t dare to be different, and are afraid to be wrong you will never create anything worthwhile.

COCA Principle of Achievement

Lack of Curiosity

I-know-it-all attitude kills creativity at source. Confidence is good, but overconfidence limits your possibilities and options. If you are certain that your approach is the right one, you don’t search for better alternatives.

Lack of Knowledge Diversity

You won’t unlock your ability to create innovative synergies if you don’t build your cross-functional expertise and don’t cross-pollinate ideas with other people.

Lack of Creative Thinking Skills

The good news is that creativity is a talent and a skill that can be learned and enhanced through creative action. Just practice it as often as you can to make creative thinking and creative action your winning habits.



Best Practices, Case Studies, Success Stories KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools

Smart analogues help you take a new perspective, inspire creative thinking and describe your ideas to others... More