INNOBALL training benefits Self-assessment by trainees innovation brainball entrepreneurial simulation game Vadim Kotelnikov  

 Strategic entrepreneurial simulation game

helps players to build a set of must-have innopreneurial intelligence and skills






InnoBall Intelligence (IbI)

IbI is entrepreneurial super-smartness that helps to turn any challenge to an advantage and achieve outstanding success.

Experiential IbI turns this super-capability into a habit.



Learning Benefits

Ideation Process

Educative InnoBall Tests




Innoball helps you to:


Turn ideas or inventions into a profitable business and create new markets

Develop effective breakthrough strategies for implementing radical change

Enhance entrepreneurial creativity and entrepreneurial leadership skills

Learn to anticipate challenges, problems and attacks of your adversaries

Solve problems creatively and turn problems and failures to opportunities

Assess ideas and make smart decisions quickly  >>>

Assess entrepreneurial smartness of individual and teams  >>>



Entrepreneurial Smartness Assessment / Self-Assessment -  InnoBal Test  

Educative InnoBall Test
is an eye-opening system of educative questions and choices of answers that widens horizons and inspires innovative business thinking.

The test helps to assess mindset, and, ultimately, to choose the occupation that is right for the testee.



Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Launching a radical innovation / change project without playing a simulation game is like starting a football game naively believing that the opposing team does not exist. But it does and it wants to defeat you. You must prepare to win!

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game