The eternal laws that govern all creation in the Universe and preserve it





Stay in harmony with the Laws of the Universe while breaking outdated man-made rules.

The Laws of the Universe to harmonize with can be observed in the Nature around us.

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Yin-Yang Intelligence (YYI)

As a concept, the Laws of the Universe all clearly and wisely presented by the forces of Yin and Yang.




Yin and Yang forces, Yin-Yang Intelligence (YYI)  

Yin and Yang represent two fundamental forces that create and harmonize the Universe by their interaction.

They symbolize the two polar energies that, by their fluctuation and interaction, are responsible for the dynamic universe.





Understanding and staying in harmony with the laws of the Universe is essential for achieving sustainability
in life and business

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Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

When it comes to mega-innovation, staying in harmony with the laws of the universe is an innopreneurial way to tell the world, "I love you." Example

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


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10  Laws of the Universe
to Stay in Harmony With





The Universal Law of
Divine Oneness
manifests the interconnectedness of all things. It says that every being, thing, event, thought, and action is in some way connected to everything else.

All-inclusive love is the best way to apply the law of divine oneness.

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The Universal Law of

says that everything in the Universe has an opposite.

Examples include Yin and Yang, light and darkness, push and pull, good and evil, love and hate, warmth and cold.

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The Universal Law of
Gender (Yin & Yang) 
masculine (active) and feminine (adaptive) energy exists in all things. Yin and Yang form a whole only in combination. These two opposite, conflicting forces are found in every action.

Yin-Yang Intelligence (YYI) helps harmonise these forces.

  Yin-Yang Intelligence (YYI) ability to balance and harmonise forces of Yin and Yang dinamically



The Universal Law of
states that everything in the world is vibrating at its frequency. Everything inside and around us, whether tangible or intangible, is composed of energy that keeps vibrating.

Vibrational alignment is about harmonising the frequency of your inner vibration with that of your object until you become a vibrational match with what you want.

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The Universal Law of

states that cycles are a natural part of the universe. Take note of and harmonise the rhythms in the outside world and your inner rhythms. For instance, you may need to speed your business up so it could cope with rapidly changing realities in the marketplace.

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The Universal Law of
says that complementary things attract each other.

On a personal level, Rumi explained this best, “What you seek is seeking you.”

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The Universal Law of

states that patterns repeat throughout the universe.

On a personal level, our reality is a reflection of what's happening inside us at this moment. As Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) psychology of success puts it, “Map is not the territory.”

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The Universal Law of
Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

states that everything in the universe is constantly evolving or fluctuating. Yin and Yang symbolize this inter-transformation. On a personal level, Buddha’s path to liberation explains how right understanding leads to right action and, ultimately, to right wisdom and right liberation.

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The Universal Law of
Cause and Effect

highlights the relation between actions and their impact, often invisible.

In human life, the rule "You are what you think" is an all-important application of the universal law of cause and effect.

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The Universal Law of

states that we reap what we saw. There is a balance or reciprocity that ensures that we receive what we give.

The Golden Rule that advises treating others as you want to be treated is the best way to practice the Law of Cause and Effect on a personal level.

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Vadim Kotelnikov teachings Вадим Котельников

Listen to the Universe to discover your way. Divine messages are everywhere, but a prepared mind only can notice them. The Universe doesn't guide us, it sends us inspirations that helps us forge our own path.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


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