Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo

Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Push-Pull Marketing

Influence and be influenced to influence better


Coaching by Example

Trademark Concepts



   Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game  



Marketing as a Dance Yin and Yang push and pull harmony Vadim trademark concept  

Elevator Speech on Marketing as a Dance

Treat marketing as an empathetic dance – harmonize push (Yang) and pull (Yin) movements.

Push gently because people love to buy but don't like to be pushed to buy.




Marketing as a Dance

Treat marketing as an empathetic dance – harmonize push (Yang) and pull (Yin) movements.


Yin-Yang Approach to Negotiation





First you must invite a prospect to dance so that they agree. You have to arouse strong enough curiosity for the prospect to decide to invest their precious time in the interaction with you.

Curiosity marketing, motivational marketing, and eye-opening digital marketing (social media marketing, e-mail marketing, or focused content marketing) are most common invitation-to-dance strategies.



Difference that Makes the Difference

Content Marketing

10 Tips



Impactful Images




Marketing as a dance begins when your prospect starts talking.

Communicate in a way that inspires your prospects to open up and start talking about their aspirations, desires, challenges, and barriers that block the way to their dream.





Inspire imagination and new desires through creative interactions. Elevate their dreams and show an easy pathway to that desired future. Connect with your prospects – empathize, show a genuine interest in them, keep smiling.


Be a helper, not a seller. People love to buy what they are attracted to, but they don’t like to be pushed to buy. So, pull stronger, push gently. Let your prospect be a lead partner during this phase of the dance and adapt the spectrum of your value proposition according to their desires. As people buy on emotion and experience, emphasize emotional benefits of owning the product and offer a test drive. Justify afterwards with facts, comparisons, and testimonials.


Communication GEM