“It is your attitude, more than
your aptitude, that will
determine your altitude.”
~ Zig Ziglar
Winning attitudes include
creative dissatisfaction,
open mind, self-challenge,
enthusiasm, and persistence.
The creative dissatisfaction attitude
will help you find opportunities for growth and come out with a
creative solution. Dissatisfaction is a powerful motivator,
brain-awakener and eye-opener. |
Our capabilities are unlimited.
Self-challenges wake us up, open
our eyes, and mobilize
capabilities and resources
within that we often are not
even aware that we have.
Self-challenges elevate the
soul, stimulate the mind,
invigorate the body, enable
people to stretch out of their
comfort zone and to unleash more
of their true potential.
Skills can produce good-enough
results, enthusiasm can produce outstanding results. "Nothing great
was ever achieved without enthusiasm," said Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Enthusiasm fuels your hopes, ignites your burning desire to execute
your daring ideas, gives you energy, and helps you go through all
failures to a stretch goal. |
never quit and quitters never
win," said Vince Lombardi.
Burning belief in yourself
and persistence build the bridge
from impossible to possible.
Everyone and everything has
their inner beauty but not
everyone can see it.
To illustrate, Scarlett
Johansson says that she finds
beauty in unusual things, like
hanging her head out the window
or sitting on a fire escape.
Stephanie Perkins found beauty
in imperfections of a person she
Don’t ignore beauty as otherwise
you will sometimes find yourself
without it.
Love life and
all people, and you will be
able to see their beauty.
The more you love life the more
beautiful it becomes.