Your Perspectives
Creativity is the art of
making something unusual from usual things. Increasing
creativity depends on doing things that are outside your
normal routine. Don’t stick with the perspective that
you already have. There is
more than one way to look at
almost anything. Step out your shoes. Free your mind
from daily concerns and let it wander.
A famous example
of using an imaginative
outside-the box perspective is
that of
visualizing himself riding a beam of
light. That helped him create his theory of relativity.
Creativity Every Day To
Make It a Habit
Creativity often goes by
the wayside unless it is actively nourished and
practiced. Use
innovative thinking tools until you start using them
Practice various creativity techniques until
they become a normal part of
your thinking if you wish
to take creative approaches to life’s challenges
habitually. Usually, it takes 16 to 21 times of
repeating a task to make it a habit and over a month to
solidify it and make it something you will do without
having to think about it. |

10 Lack-Ofs
3 Levels
Your Creativity
Your Unique Creative Talents
Creativity can be learned.
Learning creativity includes both creative thinking and
creative action. Like every person in the World, you
have unique gifts that set your
apart from all other
people. No one has the same combination of talents,
capabilities and strengths as you do.
Unlock and develop
your creativity in order to live a
happy and fulfilling
life. Life is full of
opportunities that could be turned
to your advantage. It's the people who are habitually
creative who
change the status quo and
achieve amazing