Persuasion is about inducing others to change their attitude or behavior. The seeds of persuasion must be planted in a fertile soil of compatibility with deep values and guiding principles of the persuadee to be able to grow into a tree with delicious fruits.

  How To Persuade People TALE of Persuasion by VadiK




TALE of Persuasion

Four Prerequisites of Effective Persuasion





Trusted Source

Trust is the expectancy of people that they can rely on your word.


Surround Yourself with Right People




Trust can precede you implicitly in your job title, your reputation, or your credentials.  It can also be built through integrity, rapport, consistency in relationships, or a shared belief that you can depend on each other to achieve a common purpose.

  How To Persuade Others KoRe Persuasion Dish Trust Benefits Easy



Internal Acceptance

Know your audience, use the right channel to reach them. Compatibility with deep values and guiding principles of the persons to be persuaded.


Empathetic Marketing

KoRe 7 Yips for Persuading Others




Clear Logic

Your point must make perfect sense. Shape your logical arguments in a series of statements to present reasons for accepting a conclusion and persuade others to act accordingly.

Emotional Appeal

Your argument must appeal to the emotional man ‒ to his or her imagination, and thus to the emotions.






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