Use tool associations to generate unexplored combinations of ideas, approaches and methods. Then make these combinations relevant, useful, synergistic and implementable.

Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools help you work on your business, invent new growth strategies, build synergies, balance your business system and ultimately become a Master of Business Synergies (MBS)

Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools Disruptive Entrepreneur The Jazz of Innovation Vadim Kotelnikov: personal branding Vadim Kotelnikov: Coaching by Example Invent New Things Design Entrepreneurial Strategies Anticipate Opponents' Moves Master of Business Synergies (MBS) Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools for developing innovation strategies and creative problem solving, Vadim Kotelnikov recipe

e-Coach Master of Business Synergies (MBS) Synergy Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools Synergistic Innovation Vadim Kotelnikov: personal branding 1000ventures New Business Models Synergistic Marketing and Selling Cross-functional Expertise Entrepreneurial Creativity Synergistic Organization Synergistic Diversification Synergistic Partnerships Surprise To Win Corporate Innovation System Innovation Portfolio Value Innovation Synergistic Marketing Synergistic Selling Master of Business Synergies (MBS): business model, innovation, customer, Vadim Kotelnikov



Example: using KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools during the 1st Innompic Games


Torch × Flash × Money


Torch × Flash × Money




Vadim Kotelnikov icon Coaching by Example


Innompics Benefits for Participants and Spectators

Innompics ‒ Internet Olympics for Disruptive Innovators

I used Kore 10 Tools to design Synergistic Benefits for all Innotizens

Balloon  ×  Flash  ×  Trophy  ×  Money  ×  Fishing Rod

Innompics help all participants ‒ players, experts, innossadors, sponsors, valuenteers and active spectators ‒ become famous and reach new heights

Trophy and Money


Breakthrough Innovative Websites by Vadim Kotelnikov: Business e-Coach, Synergy Tree, Cimcoin, Innompics, Fun4Biz, eRaritet, CimJoy, CimWave

Building eCoach-Cimcoin Synergies

Trophy -> CimJoy - helping people shine

Balloon -> eRaritet

Flashlight-> Cimwave

Money -> charity, crowdfunding, prizes, exchanges, not money - gold (because of an opponent's move)

Fishing Rod -> free Cimcoin slides