breakthrough Internet projects aimed at giving physically challenged
people new exciting life as
solo intepreneurs and freelancers
e-Muromets is a unique
business incubator
for physically challenged
people, primarily young
people with disabilities. e-Muromets
helps them become
solo interpreneurs
and/or freelancers.
e-Muromets is
Russia with a group of
physically challenged young
Name 'eMuromets'
The name of e-Muromets
comes from the name of the
Russian greatest epic
Ilya Muromets. Ilya
Muromets suffered serious
illness in his youth. He was
unable to walk until the age
of 33. When enemies
invaded Russia and started
massacring civilians, Ilya
Muromets stood up and
conquered the enemy. He also
proved that a physically
challenged person can become
a true hero.
Being a business incubator,
eMuromets itself is incubated in
our wider empowering web-based
ecosystem called CimJoy. |
The team composed of the best
eMuromets' interpreneurs will
participate in the 1st Innompic
Internet games we'll organize in
the nearest future. |
CimJoy is an Internet-based
world full of joy and
opportunities for physically
challenged people.
In CimJoy all people,
including physically
challenged ones, can learn,
grow, socialize, build
Internet-businesses, earn
money, help others, and have fun.
Actually, physically
challenged people due to
their disabilities will be
more active citizens of
CimJoy. |
Innompic Internet Games
Innompics are to help
entrepreneurial creativity
champions grow and
Physically challenged people
will be able to compete on
equal footing with all other
participants, not at
separate paralympics. In
addition, one team will be
composed entirely of
physically challenged
innovators to demonstrate
great abilities of these
people with different
abilities. |