Four Chapters |
Choose To Be Happy
Create Greatest
Value for Others
Develop Habits of a
Great Achiever
Master Know-how of Winning
Master of Happiness
The two main sources of happiness are
enjoying what you have and creating new things.
Happiness is about
life-business synergy: love your life, love what you have, do what
you love to do, and strive to make other people happier.
Learn To Be a Happier Person
You can choose to be happy and learn to be
a happier person. The first step is to make a conscious choice to boost
your happiness. Your active desire and commitment to be happy will help
you consciously choose attitudes and behaviors that lead to happiness
over unhappiness.
You can pursue happiness by:
thwarting negative emotions such as
pessimism, anger, and resentment;
fostering positive emotions, such as
gratitude, empathy, and serenity.
As a creative achiever, you feel happy if
you know you are competent and capable. This confidence comes about via
self esteem, self respect, and personal pride. Get these ingredients
right, create an inspiring life vision, do what you love to do, and the
rest will simply fall into place – joyfully! Be grateful for every
little thing you have achieved and you have in your life, and you will
attain lasting happiness.
Creative Achiever
Follow your heart and intuition. Your
passion will lead you to inspiration and completion. That's all you
need. Follow you inner direction, not external suggestions. Don't split
your energy. By trying to chase many rabbits at once, you'll catch
neither. Focus, if you wish to hit the mark, and pursue your
true passion, if you wish to be creative.
Creativity is your key to a
brighter future. Creativity gives you an incredible source of adventure,
achievement, self-discovery, connection, spirituality, awakening,
self-worth, identity, healing, happiness, energy, and power.
You Make Other People Happier?
Ask yourself:
Do you produce positive feelings in others?
Do people smile and laugh in your presence?
Are you a source of inspiration for others?
Do you create opportunities for others?
Do people seem energized by you?
Are you a source of comfort and security
for people around you?
Tips for Winning in Life and Business
Approach impossible as possible.
Losers think that impossible is possible, winners think that possible is
impossible. All of them prove to be right – the former by taking action,
the latter by staying idle.
Keep stretching. Compete with
yourself! To unlock your true potential, keep stretching yourself –
choose progressively more challenging tasks. Winning is about
overcoming. Whatever stretch goal you are striving to achieve, whether
you are working on a challenging project, or trying to solve a difficult
problem, or fighting a powerful enemy, or correcting your own personal
weaknesses, you are a winner if you manage to overcome all the obstacles
and make your dream a reality.... |
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80 half-page
Executive Summaries

